I just got to an orphanage outside of Kiev, Ukraine where I will be volunteering for the next week. I get to spend my Thanksgiving with orphaned and abandoned children.
On the agenda? Teaching English and using art as therapy, braiding hair and crafting (you
KNOW I will be making hair pieces with the girls out of ribbon and glitter), and learning how to cook Ukrainian food as I prepare lunch everyday with the kitchen staff. I am SO Thankful for the abilities, time, and resources to serve Ukraine this past month. I am also thankful for all of YOU who have supported
Jade Rose Designs these past couple of years, even when I went MIA trying to figure out our purpose. As I slowly begin to define Jade Rose Designs, you can expect more of these kinds of posts. Your purchases support the fight against injustices globally, thank you for partnering with me in these efforts!
This little guy is from a shelter I visited, he will be going to an orphanage soon, unfortunately not with his twin brother :(